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Suspension, Wheels, Brakes, Steering

Audi S8 with H&R Coilovers Installed

Brake System On Board Diagnostic (OBD)

    01 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD)

Suspension, Wheels, Steering

    Retrofitting a Tiptronic Steering Wheel
      Retroftting a Tiptronic Steering Wheel

    00 - General, Technical data
    40 - Front suspension
      Front Control Arm Replacement

      CV Joints - Repacking to Sanity, how to clean and repack your CV joint

      Replacing a front axle (CV joint making clicking noise)
    42 - Rear suspension
      Installing a S8 Rear Sway Bar
    43 - Self levelling suspension
    44 - Wheels, Tires, Wheel alignment
      Audi A8 17" Stock Polished Wheel Repair from Curb Rash
    48 - Steering
      Flushing the Power Steering Hydarulic System

      Replacing the A8 Power Steering Rack

Brake System

    BIRA Brake Upgrade for the Audi A8

    00 - General, Technical data
    45 - Anti-lock brake system
      ABS Troubleshooting
    46 - Brakes - Mechanical components
      Front Rotor and Pad Replacement - Single Piston Design

      Front Pad Replacement - Dual Piston Design

      S8 Front Pad Replacement

      Rear Rotor and Pad Replacement (all model years)

      Troubleshooting the Brake Pad Warning Light

      Shorting the Front Brake Pad Sensor Warning Light to Ground
    47 - Brakes - Hydraulic components
      Bleeding the Brake Hydarulic System

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